XYPlotArea Class Reference

Widget class which adds a XYPlot together with buttons for manipulating plot. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 XYPlotArea (QWidget *parent, QString title, QString xAxisLabel="", QString yAxisLabel="")
XYPlotPlot ()

Private Slots

void on_radioButtonYLog_clicked ()
void on_radioButtonYLin_clicked ()
void on_radioButtonXLog_clicked ()
void on_radioButtonXLin_clicked ()
void on_radioButtonLegendRight_clicked ()
void on_radioButtonLegendBottom_clicked ()
void on_menuActionSaveAsPng_triggered ()
void on_menuActionSaveAsSvg_triggered ()

Private Member Functions

void saveSettings (QString folderPathSave="")

Private Attributes

QLineEdit * lineEditXSize
QLineEdit * lineEditYSize

Detailed Description

Widget class which adds a XYPlot together with buttons for manipulating plot.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XYPlotArea::XYPlotArea ( QWidget *  parent,
QString  title,
QString  xAxisLabel = "",
QString  yAxisLabel = "" 

Constructor that creates plot area with title and labels

parent Parent Widget (parent window)
title Title of plot
xAxisLabel Label of x axis
yAxisLabel Title of y axis

Member Function Documentation

void XYPlotArea::on_menuActionSaveAsPng_triggered (  )  [private, slot]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void XYPlotArea::on_menuActionSaveAsSvg_triggered (  )  [private, slot]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void XYPlotArea::on_radioButtonLegendBottom_clicked (  )  [private, slot]

Slot called when radioButtonLegendBottom is clicked, move legend to the bottom

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void XYPlotArea::on_radioButtonLegendRight_clicked (  )  [private, slot]

Slot called when radioButtonLegendRight is clicked, move legend to the right

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void XYPlotArea::on_radioButtonXLin_clicked (  )  [private, slot]

Slot called when radioButtonXLin is clicked, set scale engine to Lin for X Axis

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void XYPlotArea::on_radioButtonXLog_clicked (  )  [private, slot]

Slot called when radioButtonXLog is clicked, set scale engine to Log10 for X Axis

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void XYPlotArea::on_radioButtonYLin_clicked (  )  [private, slot]

Slot called when radioButtonYLin is clicked, set scale engine to Lin for Y Axis

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void XYPlotArea::on_radioButtonYLog_clicked (  )  [private, slot]

Slot called when radioButtonYLog is clicked, set scale engine to Log10 for Y Axis

Here is the caller graph for this function:

XYPlot * XYPlotArea::Plot (  ) 

Returns pointer to XYPlot

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void XYPlotArea::saveSettings ( QString  folderPathSave = ""  )  [private]

Save settings for later

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

QLineEdit* XYPlotArea::lineEditXSize [private]
QLineEdit* XYPlotArea::lineEditYSize [private]
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